Black Sesame Frozen Yogurt

black sesame frozen yogurt

2012 is the Year of the Water Dragon. Friends came over to celebrate this Chinese New Year in January. What better to top off an Asian hodgepodge of meaty Chinese noodles and fresh Vietnamese summer rolls than a nutty, creamy black sesame frozen yogurt. Don’t be put off by the unconventional color- while not many foods are a speckled dark gray, this frozen yogurt is a tangy dessert that satisfied both the skeptical eater and the sweet tooth.

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Why strain the yogurt?

strained yogurtStrained yogurt

Straining yogurt may seem like a fussy and superfluous step in the making of frozen yogurt. Many recipes out there do not call for it, but straining is the first step to making a treat that freezes more like creamy ice cream and less like an icy, unscoopable rock. By straining the water from the yogurt, you are minimizing the amount of water that can turn into unfriendly ice later.

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